Сlassic Yakutia

Destination: Yakutia
Easy - nothing more than normal walking while sight-seeing
Moderately Easy - 1-3 hours of physical activity daily
Moderate - 3-5 hours of physical activity daily
Challenging - 5-7 hours of challenging physical activity daily
Extreme - 7+ hours of challenging/extreme physical activity daily
Basic — most of nights in tents or rooms with shared WC, some nights in comfortable rooms.
Standard — most of nights in comfortable rooms, some nights in tents or rooms with shared WC.
Upgraded — all nights in comfortable rooms.
Minimum age of the participant of this trip
8 Days
  • Participation in national holiday Ysyakh
  • Visit of the Buluus glacier
  • Discovery of the Lena Pillars
  • Boat trip along the Lena River
  • Excursio nto the unique zoo Orto Doydu
  • Accommodation in the hotel in centre of Yakutsk
Tour Overview

Are you dreaming of exploring one of the most mysterious regions of Russia, Yakutia? We propose you our tour "Yakutia classic". During this trip you will visit the most attractive places of Yakutia!

You will start your journey with a visit of Yakutia's capital – Yakutsk. You will get to see one of the most stunning phenomenons on the Lena River: the Lena Pillars that was inscribed on the World Heritage list. Also you will visit the Buluus glacier that doesn't melt entirely even if it's +35C! In the ethno complex Chochur Muran you will learn about Cossaks' culture and lifestyle in Yakutia and also you will take a taste of some national dishes. Moreover you will have a unique opportunity to take part in a national holiday Ysyakh (celebration rejoicing the end of winter and the subsequent “return” of the sun). It’s a celebration of the Yakutia’s culture with all its aspects – costumes, traditions, dances, songs, and, of course, cuisine!

For only 8 intense days, you will understand the mysterious Yakuts’ soul and their warm hearts. For your comfort, we propose a good buses and the accommodation in the hotel in the city centre.

Tour programme
  • Day 1
    Aquaintance with Yakutsk
  • Day 2
    Buluus glacier
  • Day 3
    Kingdom of Permafrost
  • Day 4
    Great rocks - Lena Pillars
    Lena Pillars
  • Day 5
    Free day in Yakutsk
  • Day 6
    National holiday Ysyakh
    Yakutsk — Aldan
  • Day 7
    Continuation of the ceremony
  • Day 8
    End of the program
  • 10:00
    Transfer airport - hotel
    * The indicated time is approximate and can be changed according to the chosen flight.
  • 12:00
    Lunch Not included
  • 13:00
    Walking city-tour
    Yakutsk is the capital of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) with a population of almost 300 thousand people (28 % of the Republic's total population). It was established in 1632 by Petr Beketov, the Enisey Cossack. Yakutsk is located on the left bank of the river Lena in the Tuymaada valley. It is the biggest city located on permafrost zone. Its area covers 122 square km. Yakutsk is an administrative and cultural centre of the region (there are 7 theatres including Opera and ballet theatre, Northern circus). The industrial sector is very important, it supports the economic activity of the city.
  • 19:00
    Dinner Not included
  • Overnight in the hotel
  • 08:15
    Breakfast in the hotel
  • 08:45
    Departure for the Buluus glacier
    Departure from the hotel in the direction of the ferry near Darkylah. Once we cross the Lena river by ferry, we will arrive in the village of Nizhny Bestyakh and then take a car to continue our way to the glacier. We will also make a stop in the village of Pavlovsk, the place of settlement of the Old Believers.
  • 13:00
    During the excursion (lunch-box)
  • 13:00
    Discovery of the glacier
    Visit of the Buluus glacier - the unique source of groundwater forms glaciers of clearest fresh water, with the ice getting up to 3 meters thick at some places. During the summer the glacier starts to melt and develops cavities resembling tunnels and you can walk on the glacier's surface or in its tunnels.
  • 19:00
    Dinner Not included
  • Overnight in the hotel
Photo of the day
Accommodation in the hotel Tygyn Darkhan

transfer  (110km)

  • 08:10
    Breakfast in the hotel
  • 08:45
    Transfer to Orto Doydu
    Meeting with your guide in the hotel. Departure from the city and transfer to Orto Doidy.
  • 11:00
    Excursion to the complex of Chochur Muran
    There you will see typical wooden houses of Yakutia and you will know about Cossaks' culture and lifestyle in Yakutia.
  • 13:00
    Transfer to the ethno complex of Chochur Muran
  • 14:00
    Lunch Not included
    In a restaurant of the ethno complex of Chochur Muran.
  • 16:30
    Excursion to the zoo Orto Doidu
  • 18:00
    Return to Yakutsk
    Embarkation on the boat, accommodation in the cabins.
  • 19:00
  • Overnight on board
Photo of the day
Frozen Mammoth in the Kingdom of Permafrost Grotto
Accommodation in the cabin, Mikhail Svetlov
Twin cabin

transfer  (45km)

  • 07:00
  • 11:30
    Excursion in the Lena Pillars Nature Park
    During this boat trip you will have the opportunity to see steep rocks in the form of 200 meters high pillars that are stretched for 40 km along the river . In the shapes of those rocks one can distinguish colonnades, arches or battlements. You will enjoy a wonderful rest in this fairy "land". Ascending on the top of Pillars.
  • 15:00
    Lunch in the camping zone
  • 19:00
  • 19:00
    Return to Yakutsk
  • Overnight on board
Photo of the day
Lena Pillars
Accommodation in the cabin, Mikhail Svetlov
Twin cabin

cruise / navigation  (155km)

  • 07:00
  • 08:00
    Arrival and transfer to the hotel
  • 10:00
    Free time
    You can go for a walk in the streets, go shopping or take an additional excursion (extra charge) .
  • 19:00
    Dinner Not included
  • Overnight in the hotel
Photo of the day
Accommodation in the hotel Tygyn Darkhan
Twin room
  • 08:00
    Breakfast in the hotel
  • 09:00
    Transfer to Us-Khatyn
    Meeting with your guide in the hotel and departure for the the place where the annual national holiday of Ysyakh is held.
  • 12:00
    Celebration of Ysyakh holiday
    The national holiday Ysyakh is the celebration of winter end and summer and sun coming, it's an equivalent of New year holiday in Yakutia. Participation in national rituals, competitions, games and exhibitions of national culture.
  • 13:00
    Lunch Not included
    You will have opportunity to taste national dishes for lunch (to be paid on spot).
  • 14:00
    Continuation of the celebration
    During this holiday you will see performance of folklore groups and different expositions.
  • 19:00
    Dinner Not included
  • Overnight in the hotel
Photo of the day
Yakutsk — Aldan
Accommodation in the hotel Tygyn Darkhan
Twin room

4 h transfer  (500km)

  • 08:30
    Breakfast in the hotel
  • 11:00
    Second day of national holiday Ysyakh
    Today you will be welcome to watch the national sports competitions.
  • 13:00
    Lunch Not included
    to be paid on spot
  • 15:00
    Return to Yakutsk
    Rest and free time
  • 19:00
    Dinner Not included
  • Overnight in the hotel
Photo of the day
Accommodation in the hotel Tygyn Darkhan
Twin room

4 h transfer  (500km)

  • 08:00
    Breakfast in the hotel
  • 09:00
    Check-out of the hotel before 12:00.
  • 10:00
    Transfer to the hotel. End of the program.
    * The indicated time is approximate and can be changed according to the chosen flight.
Photo of the day
Detailed description
New departures available soon
Price includes
  • Russian-spaking guide
  • Accommodation as per itinerary
  • Excursions and visits as per itinerary
  • Nature reserves and parks entrance permissions
  • Bathing in springs
  • Letter of invitation
  • Boat trip
  • Airplane/ train tickets
  • English-speaking guide services
  • Meals according to the program
Price does not include
  • Personal expenses and tips
  • Visa fees and travel insurance
  • Airline tickets
For more info, please download the detailed description of the trip.

Guaranteed departure for a group of 4 persons. If there are less persons in the group, the price can be changed. Single supplement 12 000 rubles / pers.

Total score
Work of BaikalNature office before and during travel / customer support
Quality of accommodation
Quality of transport / transfers
Quality of meals
Friendliness and professionalism of guides / management
Quality and originality of visits / attractions / events
From 19 June 2016 to 28 June 2016
Destination: Yakutia
Would you like to travel with BaikalNature again? Yes!
Nous sommes rentrés de voyage ce jour mardi 28 juin 2016. Beaucoup de découvertes, de péripéties, mais tout dans la bonne humeur. Pour les fêtes, le samedi, départ à 10:00 et 2,30 heures de trajet. Arrivée à 12:30. Bien évidemment nous ne sommes pas rentrés à 14:00. Le dimanche, le trajet a été beaucoup plus rapide, 45 minutes. Le dernier jour, retour à l'aéroport. Un taxi est venu, une
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No reviews anymore or no reviews at all for this tour. Below reviews for destination:
Total score
Work of BaikalNature office before and during travel / customer support
Quality of accommodation
Quality of transport / transfers
Quality of meals
Friendliness and professionalism of guides / management
Quality and originality of visits / attractions / events
From 22 March 2018 to 19 July 2018
Destination: Yakutia
Custom tourDécouverte de l'Extrême Orient Russe
Would you like to travel with BaikalNature again? Yes!
Hôtels excellents, à l'exception de l'hôtel de Iakoutsk ORTO DOYDU. Personnel très bien mais hôtel en mauvais état général (chambre et espaces communs) et petit-déjeuner très médiocre. Transferts excellents, sauf trajet Tommot - Iakoutsk : véhicule inconfortable et en très mauvais état, et chauffeur fumeur peu amène. Les trois parties du voyage du voyage nous ont enchantés. Nous avons été ravis par
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BaikalNature's reply
Bonjour Francis, Merci beaucoup pour ces détails très important pour un voyage tellement grand! Ces commentaires nous aiderons à revoir la qualité des services proposés en Yakoutie.
Total score
Work of BaikalNature office before and during travel / customer support
Quality of accommodation
Quality of transport / transfers
Quality of meals
Friendliness and professionalism of guides / management
Quality and originality of visits / attractions / events
From 27 January 2018 to 3 February 2018
Destination: Yakutia
Would you like to travel with BaikalNature again? Yes!
Voyage original au coeur de l' hiver Sibérien hors des sentiers touristiques. Dommage qu' il y ai eu un manque d'informations et d 'explications de la part du guide. Les "aventuriers" choisissant ce voyage ont tous soif de découverte, d'une part, du pays et d'autre part de la culture russe, ce qui nous a sensiblement manqué. Néanmoins ce voyage est à recommander pour son authenticité. Eric
BaikalNature's reply
Merci beaucoup pour votre remarque. Nous le prendrons en compte pour nos futurs voyages !
Total score
Work of BaikalNature office before and during travel / customer support
Quality of accommodation
Quality of transport / transfers
Quality of meals
Friendliness and professionalism of guides / management
Quality and originality of visits / attractions / events
From 27 January 2018 to 3 February 2018
Destination: Yakutia
Would you like to travel with BaikalNature again? Yes!
This guest did not leave a comment.
Total score
Work of BaikalNature office before and during travel / customer support
Quality of accommodation
Quality of transport / transfers
Quality of meals
Friendliness and professionalism of guides / management
Quality and originality of visits / attractions / events
From 27 January 2018 to 3 February 2018
Destination: Yakutia
Would you like to travel with BaikalNature again? Yes!
beau voyage; l'organisation est bonne dans son ensemble et le programme est bien respecté; une remarque au niveau du guide: il devrait donner au groupe plus d'explications sur l'histoire de la yakoutie, les coutumes du peuples yakoutes et la vie d'aujourd'hui; sinon le point très positif est que le guide parlait très bien le Français..... en conclusion, continuez donc à organiser des beaux voyages
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